Friday, February 14, 2020

Literary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Literary Analysis - Essay Example Through the character played by Tala, Mitch acknowledges the theme that â€Å"In life there are no random acts.† When Eddie –the main character- set fire to the prisoner of war camp, he had it in the back of his mind that he saw a kid in the camp. The event had haunted Eddie throughout his life and even he would have nightmares at times at the thought of killing a child. For this act, Mitch calls for the need of Christians to take ample responsibility for all their actions. Mitch teaches â€Å"lives are sacrificed for the sake of saving others.† Eddie’s captain had promised that he would never leave his soldiers behind during the Second World War. The promissory ends up costing The Captain his life as he was being held captive at the prisoner of war camp. Was it not for The Captain’s sacrifice, three of his soldiers –including Eddie- could have died over a landmine. Finally, of all the themes that â€Å"I Am My Brother’s Keeper† ministry believes in, love binds the believers most: And Mitch procures this message through his character Ruby. At heaven, Ruby could be a lot older. However, the love for his husband; Emile, still stood strong. Through Ruby and Emile’s love, Eddie –and all the believers- learn that life may end but love will endure forever. â€Å"Love is powerful,† and whoever believes in it secures eternal

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The effects of sports participation on childrens achievements in Term Paper

The effects of sports participation on childrens achievements in school - Term Paper Example Schools that devote priorities to both academics and sports participation have indicated higher academic success. According to numerous research conducted, sports improve the ability of students in achieving excellence due to the already developed persistence. Both individual and team sports produce an exemplary outcome to academic excellence. Tabor (2014) conducted a study seeking to clarify the relationship between academic performance, sports, and weight classification. The study was conducted on a subset of children in four Chicago schools in the low-income regions. Of the total 129 participants, 48.1 percent took part in soccer while 51 percent of the participants did not. The two-year study involved both genders and varied racial categories. The types of sports participation were assessed with a checklist where the parents listed three of the sports their children participated. The sports were categorized into two: team sports and the individual sports. The team sports involved soccer and baseball while individual sports included swimming, biking, and skateboarding. The participants’ academic assessment was conducted using the teacher’s report form and an average rating calculated by averaging similar ranks.The study by Tabor (2014) indicated no correlation between academics and weight classification. However, the study showed differing findings on non-participants, individual sports, and team sports on academics. The ANOVA analysis showed a significant effect on academic ratings in math and reading.